Data filtering at Spotibo

Filters are handy, especially if you need to dig deeper into analysis without using spreadsheets. You can include or exclude pages and combine more filters and segment data according to your needs.

You can analyze pages by these filters:

 Name Filter description All filter options
URL Filtering by URLs
  • Text of the URL address
  • Length of the URL
Title FIltering by title tags
  • Title text
  • Length in pixels or number of characters
  • Count of title tags
Meta Description Filtering by meta description tags
  • Meta description text
  • Length in pixels or number of characters
  • Count of meta description tags
Headings Filtering by headings, by all or only by H1
  • Heading texts
  • Count of headings
 Name Filter description All filter options
Level Filtering by level of the URL in website structure
  • URL level (Level 0 is a homepage. Any higher number means lower level of a page in the structure.)
Incoming Link Texts or ALT Filtering by the number of all links incoming to the URL
  • Count of the incoming links
Incoming Links Count Filtering by meta description tags
  • Meta description text
  • Length in pixels or number of characters
  • Count of meta description tags
Incoming Crawlable Link Filtering according to whether a linking page to the URL is crawlable
  • Crawlability of a linking page
Link Count on URL Filtering by a number of all internal and external links found on the URL
  • Count of all internal and external links on the page
  • Count of dofollow or nofollow links


Name Filter description  All filter options
Finally Redirected to Filtering by the final URLs of redirected pages
  • Text of the final URL address
Final Status Code Filtering by the final HTML status codes
  • Status code of the final URL – 200, 3xx, 4xx, 5xx
Redirect Chain Filtering by the first URL in the redirect chain between the first redirected URL and the final URL
  • Text of URL in the redirect chain
  • Status code of the URL in the redirect chain
Count of Redirects Filtering by number of redirects from the first to the final URL
  • Count of all redirects
Redirect Loop Filtering by possible redirect loops
  • True or false redirect loop


Name Filter description

All filter options

Search Engine Access Filtering by the access of any or a specific bot, e.g. Google, Bing, Yahoo, ASK, Yandex, Baidu or Seznam
  • Access directives (noindex, nofollow, nocrawl or others)
Canonical Filtering by a reference to a canonical URL or defined self-redirecting
  • Defined canonical in HTTP header or HTML
  • Text of a canonical URL address
  • Text of self-redirecting
File Size Filtering by file size in KB
  • Size of an image
Status code Filtering by HTTP status codes
  • Status code of an URL – 200, 3xx, 4xx, 5xx.
Content type Filtering by the type of content on the URL (e.g. text, image, application, pdf)
  • Image, text, application…
Charset Filtering by text coding (e.g UTF-8, UTF-16)
  • Text of charset type
Time of Last Crawl Filtering by the time of the last URL crawl with Spotibo
  • Exact time

All of the filters can be used differently according to their value in text and number. In the table below are a few possible examples and how to work with them.

Filter by


In Spotibo


Containing I need to search to see if all pages on a site have their brand in the title. Exclude Title Containing “name of my brand”
Exactly Matching I have to find pages with specific linking anchor text. Include Incoming Link or ALT text Exactly Matching “anchor text”
Matching RegExp (Java Regex) I need to select guide pages with titles containing “how to.” Include Title Matching RegExp “how to.*+guide”
Begins/Ends with I want to find out if a crawler found any pages on HTTP protocol on my secured site. Include URL Begins with “http://”


(Element count and length in characters or pixels, link count…)

Equals I need to select only pages redirected by a 302 status code. Include Status Code Equals “302”
Less Than I want to identify pages with one or no incoming links. Include Incoming Links Count Less than “2”
Greater Than I need to find pages that are deep in the site structure. Include Lever Greater than “5”

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